Advice They Never Told You – 11. Quit Regularly


June 21, 2013 by Liberty

*This is  part of a 13 part series that will be updated daily. Be sure to follow this blog with the message on the sidebar to not miss out on all the lessons.*

Don’t be a quitter is some of the worst advice that you can receive. There is almost no situation in life that you shouldn’t be willing to quit. Quit dead end jobs. Quit stupid business plans. Quit caring about x or y.

If you don’t quit, you can always succeed at what you’re doing. The problem comes when you look at the investment required. Is what you’re fighting for, really worth all of the trouble you’re putting in? If it’s not worth the trouble then it’s time to quit.

There is no exception to this rule.

People are scared of quitting a dead end job because they worry about dying. People are scared to quit college while they’re $10,000 in debt. All these decisions need to be made. If you’re not getting value from being involved in something then you need to quit.

After quitting, you will have learned a lesson. You’ll also be free to do things that are more valuable to you. The more you quit, the more likely you are to find the perfect situation.

Quitters can prosper. Stick it through type people tend to run into a wall for the rest of their life. Remember that.

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4 thoughts on “Advice They Never Told You – 11. Quit Regularly

  1. Mahesh Sreekandath says:

    Fear of quitting is one big hurdle on the road towards freedom

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